Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Banff Film Festival

Two weeks ago I went to Cleveland with Traci for the Banff Mountain Film Festival @ the Allen Theatre downtown. We had a great evening of munchies Mustard Seed Market and Chipotle, and drinks from Willoughby Brewing Company. Their Rye and Red were on tap and were quality beers. They were nothing fancy, but definitely better than a macrobrew. To put it another way, I would try some other microbrews before I went back for either one, but at a social function, you have to appeal to the masses...

The films were all about mountain sports and outdoor activities, which is right up our alley. As is the usual, the film makers went for the "extremes" in all the disciplines such as a deep water climbers swimming out to arches in New Zealand (I think) and free climbing. and a guy on BC Canada creating "trails) of 2.5"-3" boards and having three feet vertical drops to another at 90 degree angles. Something that nobody else, maybe one or two others, can actually do. Nothing like making people think they can't really participate in these sports! I'm done venting, but it was still a great series of short films. If you ever get the chance, you should check it out if it comes by your neck of the woods.

School is almost out and I am off to Texas for a week, but after that, riding, climbing , and camping should all pick up.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Spring is here!

With the bike finished, it has been a little hard to find time until the past week. Temperatures have hit the 50's and even some 60's this weekend, so Wednesday is the first time I had a chance to ride outside this year. It was wonderful. It was quite apparent that we have had a lot of precipitation this year and the Spring Peepers were out in force! This is probably my favorite time of year and could not image living in Florida or Southern California and missing this...